Science » Science Department

Science Department

Science is the study of how the the natural world works and how we fit into it
We study 4 basic areas of science at Hempfield school - Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth science
Students will take the Keystone exam at the end of the Biology course
All science courses are designed to be a mix of traditional classroom learning with hands on explorations that further student understanding. We strive to make students think beyond the traditional and problem solve for class, and beyond. 
Science curriculum across the state will change starting in August of 2026 and we are working to adapt our lessons and our thinking to this new requirement. 
Below you will see a basic sequence of possible classes that can be taken throughout a student's career at Hempfield. There is a zoology elective not listed below that can be now taken also. All course descriptions are available in the course description book through the guidance department
Currently all freshman reside at Harrold school and they take biology as their only science course.