Brian Gralluzzo
Name: Brian Gralluzzo
Grade Levels: 10 & 11
Courses Taught:
- Academic English 10 (Periods 3, 7, & 10)
- Academic English 11 (Periods 6 & 8)
Email: g[email protected]
Phone Number: (724) 850-2041
Room Number: 130
Education: B.A. in English: Creative Writing, Journalism, & Literature with Secondary Education Certification, Seton Hill University (2023)
Biography: This year, I am a long-term substitute English teacher. I am very grateful for the opportunity to prepare my students for the real world with the communication skills they need to succeed. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. I am happy to work with you to support your child's success! Let's have a great year.