BCIT Department
The Business, Computer and Information Technology Program provides lifetime skills, a head start for advanced training in college business programs/business schools, and skills which may lead to full-time entry level employment upon graduation.
Business, Computer and Information Technology offers three areas of concentration:
- Information Technologies
- Accounting
- Business Management and Marketing
The use of computer technology is used extensively in ALL business course offerings.
Hempfield Area High School has a chapter of Future Business Leaders of America.
- Students compete at Regional and State levels of business related competitive events
- Students participate in Toys-4-Tots community service project
- Students are provided networking opportunities
- Students will generate a positive line item for their personal resume
The primary purpose of the Business Honor Society is to recognize juniors and seniors who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in a secondary business program.
- Students must be currently enrolled in business (fall and/or spring) class.
- Seniors: Must complete 3 classes in business by the end of the current school year.
- Juniors: Must complete 2 classes in business by the end of the current school year and enrolled in a business class for senior year.
Academic Criteria:
- GPA Business Courses minimum: 90%
- GPA Overall minimum: 85%
Additional Criteria
Students selected for recognition will have also demonstrated both in the classroom and through extracurricular involvement:
- Character (evidenced by teachers attesting to this quality)
- Leadership (evidenced by committee chair positions, officer/chair or other lead positions in student organizations, civic/community leadership roles, etc.)
- Service (evidenced by volunteer activities in the school and/or community, etc.)
Application, Selection, and Recognition Process
Students complete an application and submit it to their local school business department. Students may initiate the process or the department may solicit applications from worthy candidates.
Local school department verifies eligibility and selects students.
- Committee of business educators (minimum of 3) will decide membership.
- Criteria: See above
- A list of potential members will be distributed to all business staff for review.
- Students may be denied if any one of the criteria is not met.
- Selected students will be honored at an induction ceremony.
- Local business department completes certificates and prepares and sends a congratulatory letter to each student with an additional copy to the school guidance department.
- Graduating honorees will be awarded honor cords or pin