World Language » World Language

World Language

Hempfield Area School District recognizes the importance of world language study. The World Language Department prepares students to enter the global community by offering foreign languages in grades 6 through12. 

Our World Language Department has been recognized for its commitment to global education by PACIE (Pennsyvlania Council for International Education) with a 2023 Global Education Award. This award recognizes Hempfield's multi-faceted approach to creating global citizens and students who are well-prepared for the challenges of ever-changing world.

Middle School: Middle school is the ideal time to begin studying a language.  Upon entering middle school, students select either French or Spanish.  Students may also participate in world language clubs.

  • Research shows that there is an advantage to starting second language acquisition at age 12 versus at age 15. Only students that start in middle school will then have access to all five levels at the high school.  
  • Our  Middle School World Language program starts students on a career-focused, global approach to career options in connection to language through: field trips, guest speakers, multimedia projects and culinary experiences.


 High School: Students choose to study:

  • French 1, 2, 2 Honors, 3, 3 Honors, 4 Honors, and 5 AP
  • German 1, 2, 3, and 4
  • Spanish 1, 2, 2 Honors, 3, 3 Honors, 4 Honors, and 5 AP


Many students study more than one language, finding the second foreign language easier to learn.

In addition, students may participate in French, German, and Spanish Clubs and may be inducted into French, German, or Spanish National Honor Society after maintaining a 90% average and satisfying an enrollment period in the language.


What are students doing with their world language?  Click here for a video of some exciting programs and trips our students experienced.


Dual Enrollment at the High School:

At the high school, several World Language courses are offered as dual enrollment courses for college level courses. Some of the colleges that offer college credits for our French, German, and Spanish courses are:

  • LaRoche, 
  • Seton Hill,
  • Saint Vincent College, and 
  • WCCC (Westmoreland County Community College).

Benefits to learning a second language:

  • College Board reports show that students who study 4 years of a language score higher on the SATs, (140 points higher in math/140 points higher in critical reading/150 points higher in writing).

  • Most colleges require 2-4 years of a language. If the student does not take them in high school, they schedule and pay for them in college.

  • The cognitive benefits of learning languages are undeniable. People who speak more than one language have improved memory, problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, enhanced concentration, ability to multitask, and better listening skills. Bilingual workers earn up to 20% more than monolingual workers.  




The HASD World Language Department has been recognized by the Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association (PSMLA) for its exemplary program by earning a “PEP Globe” award for 2018-2019.

  • This is the second time that Hempfield has applied for and received this prestigious award, which speaks highly of the school’s commitment to World Language education.
  • Very few of the school districts across the state of Pennsylvania qualify for ANY of the PEP awards.
  • It is thanks to the dedication of a very professional staff and support of our administration that the HASD World Language Department qualified for this award.