Mrs. Linda Comm » Welcome


Grade Levels: 10-12
Courses: Honors English 10, Acting and Directing for Stage and Screen, Yearbook
Phone Number: 724-850-2634
Room Number: 117
Education: B.A. in English, Thiel College, M.A. in Drama and Theatrical Production, University of Pittsburgh
Biography: During my time here at Hempfield, I have taught many different courses, including Honors English 10, Academic English 10, Advanced Placement Literature, Fundamentals of Theatre I, Fundamentals of Theatre II, English 9, English 10, Literary Studies, and Mass Media. I sponsor the Hempfield Theatre Company, Troupe 6585 of the International Thespian Society (theater honor society), and the student-directed one-act plays. I produce and direct the high school musical, and I am the advisor of the Spartonian Yearbook.
Keep track of lessons and assignment deadlines! Visit my course website to see lesson plans and assignment calendars.